Frank Hoeger


Biotech Researcher

Meditative, New Age Sounds, Mantra and Relaxing music.

Tell us about your inpirations and influences and how they have contributed to your creativity 

My music focus was more a Singer/Vocals. Making music professionally was never a goal, this is a hard business, but the tools we get today make it possible for many people to create and write in good quality.

I am not a keyboard player, but amazed from the possibilities of modern sound creation, also for non-instrumentalists. My influences are manifold, because of my age, more 60s-to 80s based: Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, Kitaro, Andreas Vollenweider, ProgRock, and the many really good artists in Folk Music scene. Most influential for me was Brian Eno and his philosophy of a playful contact to music and sound and his great contribution for that as a non-musician.

I have a collection of rare wind instruments and try to connect to different cultural influences.

What kit do you love using most in your studio and why? 

Mostly all Kompose Audio products seem to support my recordings, l am curious for Kadence and its possibilities.

Which Kompose Audio Kontakt Instruments you have used, why you like using them and how they have contributed to your music

I purchased Arcturus, Time, Tureis and Vitrics as a nice starting bundle and they will support my future ideas.

Audio Demos

Occitane - Mon Desir d‘aur

Palestrina-Der Kleine Oktopus

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