
Sale price$79.00

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PunchBOX is a virtual instrument designed for creating high-quality kick drum sounds. An equally vast and exquisite factory content delivered by industry-standard sound designers Sounds of Revolution and CFA-Sound gets you started in no time.

Virtual Instrument

AAX , AU and VST2

The Kick Sound You're Looking For

About Punchbox
Synthesis & sampling shaking hands in one plugin

PunchBOX easily brings together the best of the two worlds. The expressiveness of synthesized sounds next to the richness and complexity of samples end up delivering top-notch, never-heard and dancefloor-crushing kick sound.

Each of the onboard samples is a little diamond in itself, crafted with professional experience, precious pieces of studio equipment, top-shelf instruments and vintage analogue gear.

The kick sound synthesizers, originating from highly acclaimed D16 emulations of classic Roland drum machines, were taken to the next level and customized to perfectly fit the purpose of PunchBOX.

The very heart of PunchBOX is comprised of four sound generators, each of them standing for a key component of the final majestic kick sound. Factory settings were created to allow influencing the sound in a unique, intuitive and inspiring way.

Synthesis & sampling shaking hands in one plugin

PunchBOX easily brings together the best of the two worlds. The expressiveness of synthesized sounds next to the richness and complexity of samples end up delivering top-notch, never-heard and dancefloor-crushing kick sound.

Each of the onboard samples is a little diamond in itself, crafted with professional experience, precious pieces of studio equipment, top-shelf instruments and vintage analogue gear.

The kick sound synthesizers, originating from highly acclaimed D16 emulations of classic Roland drum machines, were taken to the next level and customized to perfectly fit the purpose of PunchBOX.

The very heart of PunchBOX is comprised of four sound generators, each of them standing for a key component of the final majestic kick sound. Factory settings were created to allow influencing the sound in a unique, intuitive and inspiring way.

Listen to Punchbox

Audio Demo 1
Audio Demo 2
Audio Demo 3
Audio Demo 4
Audio Demo 5
Audio Demo 6
Audio Demo 7
Audio Demo 8


Chris Liebing

"This PunchBox plugin basically generates any kind of kick drum. You can do anything with it. It's literally the most versatile kick drum making tool on the planet."

Richard Devine

"PunchBox, is one of the best kick drum synthesis instruments I have come across. The combination of built in synthesis and vast factory samples, allow you to make almost any kick drum imaginable, absolutely incredible!"

Magnetic Mac

"It's a straightforward tool that is both flexible and fun to use and works with any genre. Whether using as a layer or as my main kick, PunchBox delivers on both fronts. The randomize feature can help spark some interest if you're looking to get very unique sounds. I would definitely recommend this plugin to anyone looking to craft their own signature sounds with ease. "

Technical Information

Please carefully read the system requirements before purchasing this product.

Download Manual (PDF)

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